Living life as a pilot's wife, with our "herd" of 3 horses, 5 cats, 5 dogs, and 1 guina pig!

Friday, December 19, 2008

Greetings from the airport lobby.

Hello All

This was a message heard over the PA system in the lobby of the DAL airport......

Greetings John and Christy from the Dallas-Love field international airport lobby PA system. Current time is 1209am. Your flight may leave at 615am. Please be advised that there is nothing here to eat or drink or do. Your chances of successfully completing your mission without killing anyone or starving are 30%. If you do arrive, you will not have had a shower or sleep before having dinner with the family. Chances of Christy killing parents and husband are 80%. A bottle of wine may reduce odds, but not by more than 10%....+/- 20% margin of error. If you (Christy) manage to return on Sunday chances of truck being done and parked at airport 0%. Chances of friends picking up Christy from airport and going out to dinner...hopefully close to 100%. The PA system feels very bad for this inconvience...

PS>.....Please Send Help Soon!

Signing off...

The Dallas Love Field Lobby PA system...